Leitz wetzlar microscope micromanipulator instructions. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leitz wetzlar microscope micromanipulator instructionsLEITZ
Single-lever operation for the fine adjustrnent of the micro-instruments in two co-ordln-
ates: - Every point in the microscope field of view is reached reliably and without delay
even under high magnification:
0 Continuous fine adjustment of the single-lever operation
for gear ratios between 1 zilu to film
e The freedom of movement of the micro-instruments is limited
to the microscope field of view for any magnification.
e Special operating element for the vertical adjustment of the micro-instruments.
0 The micromanlpulator can be inclined at 15".
lpulartor The continuing advance of scientific research increasingly calls for the initiation or
control of certain physiological. chemical. or physical processes within the limits of the
microscopical field of view. Since object and operating space are minute and the in-
struments very delicate. even the practised experimenter will not be able to work without
special mechanical aids to the reliable manipulation oi his operating instruments during
his micro-operations. Efficient micromanipulators were already suggested and indeed built
during the last century. ln the early days. screw-spindle drives were preferred which.
however. were subjet to a certain amount of play after prolonged use. in view of the small
dimensions of biological subjects exact micro-operations were still out of the question.
Even when these screw-spindle drives were opposed by counter-spring mechanism a
residual amount of backlash could not be entirely eliminated. A completely new method of
was design had to be found in order to reduce it to a negligible value.
The LEITZ Micromanipulator represents an ingenious combination of lever and sliding-bar
elements. This design makes it possible to control the movements of the micro-instru-
ient ments with extreme precision in two coordinates by means of a single guide lever:
Straight-line movements of the guide lever are reproduced as straight-line
Leitz wetzlar microscope micromanipulator instructions
- Brand: Leica
- Product Code: 3187
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: leitz, wetzlar, microscope, micromanipulator, instructions