Leica m6 camera instruction user manual leitz book. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leica m6 camera instruction user manual leitz bookThe LEICA is a constant companion
it records your child's first steps, shares LEICA it you have not operated one
your holiday pleasures. chronicles sporting before. Practise every operation with
events and catalogues everyday incidents. the unloaded camera until you have
To the explorer in the tropics or at the mastered it. In this way you will quickly
poles, to the scientist in his laboratory, to master procedure and soon be able to
the technician. the artist and the proles- enioy your own good photographs.
sional photographer it is an ever-ready
and reliable servant. To you also the lElCA
will become a faithful companion and
trusty friend as it has to thousands at LEICA
enthusiasts all over the world, bringing
pleasure, profit and success.
A thorough understanding at your LEICAf"£1Ls( x A
and complete mastery of technique are 5 x" i " f;
however essential. These instructions will j I 1" f
familiarize you. step by step. with the A ff
in the direction indicated by the arrow until it oomes
to o stop. This operation simultaneously winds the
shatter and advances the film for the next expo-
sure. Double exposures are thus prevented.
D me EXPOSURE comma
automatically registers the number of exposures
made. provided it was set to Owhen the new film
wos inserted. Nate: the dial may be turned in
on anti-clockwise direction, independently at the
Pres the button gently and firmly. avoiding any
ierking movement. Use the index finger at the
right hand when the camera is held horizontally.
or the right thumb when a vertical picture is being
made. A cable release may be screwed over the
release button when required.
loot-e- harm- Set upeewe center to o, wind end
Leica m6 camera instruction user manual leitz book
- Brand: Leica
- Product Code: 3030
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: leica, m6, camera, instruction, user, manual, leitz, book