Leica 250 exposure camera instructions. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leica 250 exposure camera instructionsThe 250-exposure
leIca camera
Every photographer, whether amateur, profes-
sional or scientific, finds himself at times in situ-
ations in which it is not really sufficient to be able
to make 36 exposures at one loading. There is,
for instance, the press photographer who may
lose irretrievable opportunities if he is compelled
to insert a new film chamber while interesting
events are in progress: there is the beach photo-
grapher, to whom the changing of a film chamber
may easily mean the loss of an order: there is
the amateur on his holiday tour or the explorer
further afield, both of whom have only rareopportunities of getting their exposures: or there is the
scientific photographer who has to reproduce an old volume
page by page, for which purpose it would be an unwelcome
waste of time to have to put in a new film after every 36
pages, apart from the inconvenience of having to carry about
a whole series of film chambers for the work.
Tags: leica, 250, exposure, camera, instructions