• Film transport mechanisme for 12 and 24 rolleiflex
Film transport mechanisme for 12 and 24 rolleiflex. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Film transport mechanisme for 12 and 24 rolleiflexMit dem Umschalter am Bildzéhler léBt sidl der Filmtransport wahlwelse fur 12 Aufnahmen (Rolmlm 120) Oder for 24 Aufnahmen (Rollfilm 220) elnrldnen. 12 Aulnohmon (Rolmlm 120) Durch Schwenken des Umschalters bis zum Anschlag die Anzelgo ..12“ aufrecht stellen (1). Filmtransport wle fibllch (vgl. Salts 8-10 der Gebrauchsanleitung). 24 Autnahmen (Rollfilm 220) 1. Rollfilm 220 einlegen. wie fiblich. Stellung 6x6 der Filmffihrungsplatte beibehalten. 2. Rfickwand schlieflen. 3. Erst ietzt - bei Anzeige 0 im Bildzéhler durch Schwenken des Umschalters bis zum Anschlag die Anzeige ..24" aulrecht stellen (2). 41 Filmtransport (fir die 12 Aufnahmen der ersten Fllmhélfle wie fibllch. S. Nash der 12. Aufnahme spent die Kurbel. Kurbel in Ausgangsstellung zurfickffihren. Umschalter auf die Anzeige ..12“ stellen (1). Dabei spring: das Zéhlwerk aufFilm Transport Mechanism for 12 and 24 exposures The lever next to the film counter window switches the film transport to either 12 ex- posures (No. 120 roll Him) or 24 exposures (No. 220 roll film). 12 Exposures (No. 120 roll film) Set the change-over lever to the stop so that the marking “12“ on the knob is upright (1). Advance the film in the usual way (see pages 8 to 10 of the instruction book}. 24 Exposures (No. 220 roll turn) 1. Load the No. 220 roll film in the usual way. Keep the film pressure plate in the posi- tion marked "6x6“. 2. Close the camera back. 3. Now - and only now, with the film counter showing No. 0 - set the change- over lever to the stop so that the marking “24" is upright (2). 4. Advance the film in the usual way for the first 12 exposures. 5. Alter the 12th exposure the crank blocks. Bring the crank back into the rest position. Move the change-over lever to bring the “12“ marking upright (1). This returns the lilm counter to 0. Press the release button (the shutter does not operate). The crank Is now free to continue advancing the film. 6. Advance the film in the usual way for the remaining 12 exposures. (The film counter runs through from No. 1 to No. 12 again.) To check the number of unexposed frames. subtract the number in the film counter window from the upright marking of the change-over lever. Resetting the film counter for the second series of exposures results in a blank frame in the middle of the film length. This provides a convenient point for cutting the lilm in two later on.

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Film transport mechanisme for 12 and 24 rolleiflex

  • Brand: Other
  • Product Code: 2958
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $5.00

Tags: film, transport, mechanisme, for, 12, and, 24, rolleiflex