• Arriflex arri report ar 200 hmi lamp instruction manual
Arriflex arri report ar 200 hmi lamp instruction manual. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Arriflex arri report ar 200 hmi lamp instruction manualARNOLD & RICHTER KG. Manufacturers of Motion Picture Equipment Munich, Germany (U.S. Zone) ARRI Splicers for 35 and 16 mm Film The ARRI splicers are supplied in two models‘ one tor splicing Negatives and the other for Positives. This is can- trary to usual practice but it has definite advantages. Perforations of negative and positive film are of dil-lerent sizes and it is not possible to get exact registration for both by using locating pins of uniform size as most other splicers try to do, Either the pin for the negative does not till the perforations of the positive film properly or else a pin large enough to fit the positive perforations is loo large for and damages perforations on the nega~ live. Consequently, for exact registration and for protection of the film each type a“ film must have its own spliceri ARRI splicers are made with accurately machined location pins which allow the exact splicing point to be deter» mined. For ease of operation and to protect the film, these pins are retractable. When the Splicer is opened a coupled mechanism ve‘racts the pins automatically, so that the lilm can be freely removed. To hold the film firmly while the splicing point is being prepared there are two gripping plates, so that the hands at the operator are Iett free, ARRI splicers are entirely of metal milled with greatest exactitudei The bed at the splicing point is made also of metal which is resistant even to universal film cement. The pressure plate is at glass. the 16 mm splicer has the same size location pins for both positive and negative film, since perforations olTJo-t-h are the some. Otherwise the details are exactly the same as those of the 35 mm model.ARRl-Synchro-Rewinder for 35/16 mm Film 7 _ Tne ARRI-Synchro-Rewinder for 35:16 mm film simplifies the hitherto labo- (sj’i‘ \ ‘ f ’ rious work at synchro-cutting and drawing of 35 mm and 16 mm films. m j Running on a common shaft there are sprodiets for 35 mm and 16 mm film. v . ..v A built-in gear drives both sprockets in ration to their perforations, so that f f the standard frame and its corresponding substandard frame are constantly f in step and synchronous. Thus, this rewinder allows the synchronisation of g“ the 35 mm original and the 16 mm reduction to be checked immediately. A xi ' -\ Likewise, a 16 mm negative can be drawn from a 35 mm cut-copy. It is a ”f _: further possible to cut a 35 mm sound track in synchronism to an existing 16 mm 4 . negative. All this and similar work is now possible without recourse auxiliary re-. duction copies for cutting purposes. Dimensions: Height 2ocm,Width 14 cm, Depth 22cm tincl.crank).Wei9ht: 2,1 kg ARIN-Shoulder Support (German Patent app.) The special shape and construction at the shoulder support permits a steadiness in y ' . . ’ i making freehand takings which hitherto was unattainable. The camera support 4, bracket is movable on the shaft and adjustable in every distance from the shoulder. :w’ 1 V V? . bl i It is combined with a second bracket upon which the camera can be fixed by means , ~* PM . . . gig} ‘1 at a wing screw. This bracket is so constructed that the camera can be tilted down- A 5 ‘A; A“ words to an angle of approximately 45“ and can be secured in every desired ' " 1 position. The standard tripod thread of te wing screw permits the ARPl shoulder ‘ _. f‘ support to be used also in connection with normal Still Photo Cameras. All metal parts such as the shaft itself and the levers are nickel-plated, whereas the other parts are enamel finished

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Arriflex arri report ar 200 hmi lamp instruction manual

  • Brand: Arriflex
  • Product Code: 2868
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $5.00

Tags: arriflex, arri, report, ar, 200, hmi, lamp, instruction, manual